DFW Scanner - Twitter

Burleson, TX: (this image is stock): DFW Scanner reported that a serious accident occurred in Burleson. Fire and Ambulance and Care Flight are on scene. Thankfully, the school bus involved was -not- carrying children at the time of the accident.
If you were involved in this accident, give RE Lopez and Morales a call for a free consultation. 469-209-7727.
We have offices in both Dallas and Fort Worth metroplexes for your convenience.
Address: 550 E 15th St Suite 200, Plano, TX 75074
Address: 400 E Weatherford St #204, Fort Worth, TX 76102
Source: DFW Scanner - https://twitter.com/DFWscanner
Burleson, TX: (esta imagen es de archivo): DFW Scanner informó que ocurrió un accidente grave en Burleson. Bomberos, Ambulancias y Vuelo de Asistencia están en el lugar. Afortunadamente, el autobús escolar involucrado no llevaba niños en el momento del accidente. Si estuvo involucrado en este accidente, llame a RE López y Morales para una consulta gratuita. 469-209-7727.