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R.E Lopez & Morales Attorneys At Law

Accident involving 18-wheeler and an SUV in Irving TX on Loop 12 and Trinity North

KRLD Twitter - 07/25/2023

Loop 12 and Trinity North - Irving TX

Irving, TX: This accident doesn't look all that serious. How did it happen? Probably a failure to check your blind spot. Inattentive driving can have devastating consequences so be careful out there! If you were injured in this accident, call RE Lopez and Morales at 469-209-7727.

Irving - North on Loop 12 wreck w big backups building.

Irving, TX: Este accidente no parece tan serio. ¿Cómo ha ocurrido? Probablemente una falla al revisar su punto ciego. Conducir sin prestar atención puede tener consecuencias devastadoras, ¡así que tenga cuidado! Si resultó herido en este accidente, llame a RE López y Morales al 469-209-7727.

Irving - Norte en Loop 12 naufragio con gran edificio de respaldo.

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