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Accident are being reported across the metroplex as rain turn roads into slick messes.

R.E Lopez & Morales Attorneys At Law

KRLD 03/21/2024

IH-635 and Garland Rd - Garland, TX - 03-21-2024

Garland, TX: An 18-wheeler and a good number of passenger vehicles all hit each other on 635 near Garland Rd. Be careful out there.

If you were involved in this accident or an accident similar to this one, give RE Lopez and Morales a call for a free consultation. 469-209-7727.


We have offices in both Dallas and Fort Worth metroplexes for your convenience.


Address: 550 E 15th St Suite 200, Plano, TX 75074


Address: 400 E Weatherford St 204, Fort Worth, TX 76102

Source: Big trouble in a very wet Garland.. East on 635. Delays. #garland #dallas #trafficalert

Garland, TX: Un camión de 18 ruedas y un buen número de vehículos de pasajeros chocaron entre sí en la 635 cerca de Garland Rd. Ten cuidado ahí fuera.

Si estuvo involucrado en este accidente o en un accidente similar a este, llame a RE López y Morales para una consulta gratuita. 469-209-7727.



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